Thursday 18 December 2014

is this my life?

This is my first time that i write something on my blog, honestly for me blog is like my diary (Media diary). it's feels like i can write everything in here when i cant tell or share with my friends or my sister, i prepare to write something that i felt(correction i dont really like writing, it makes my hands sore but i like typing) back to the topic; so the point is i make this blog because i need something to make my feelings better to blow out my emotion by typing, doesnt matter for me if i publish my feeling cause i dont know u guys that will read my blog.

Today is Friday on 19 December 2014, 12 days to go to new year...
cant wait to celebrate new year and take my time with my friends " Ah the smell of salt and sand, there is no elixir on this blessed earth like it " seems like i want to sleep for a moment and wake up when 3 days to go to new year, so exited for holiday and leaving this fucking company, any way talking about the company i really hate my boss so much.. i got the worst and stubborn boss ever that i ever assit, i never ask Human Resource division to put me on this fucking division i never even want it, the boss who want me to join with him and after i joined with this division he didnt gave me a job, SUCKS isn't it? thats why i cant wait my holiday is coming..

Honestly theres's a lots of fucking problem that i want to type but actually i have to go, so i'll be back after this evening..

Bye Readers,


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